Texense, the motorsports and aeronautical sensor specialist, has recently released two new differential Hall Effect (DHE) wheel speed sensors that ensure highly accurate and extremely durable motorsports wheel speed measurement. Available with full support from sensor specialists Variohm EuroSensor, both VR09-B and VR-TA models offer a highly compact solution with IP66 protection and a very wide low-to-high speed range capability up to 20 kHz. Further similarities include parallel or right-angle orientation to suit varying tonewheel designs as well as an integrated LED to visually check function without using system electronics. The larger VR-TA wheel speed sensor is specifically designed for GT101 bracket compatibility.

Image – Texense VR09-B (foreground) and VR-TA wheel sensors – available from Variohm EuroSensor
The VR09-B is manufactured from a single block of aluminium for maximum durability. With an installation volume 25 x 9 x 9 mm (l x w x d), the compact sensor weighs only 15 grams and is easily installed with a generous tonewheel distance from 0.5 to 3 mm and a choice of orientation. The VR-TA version has a stainless steel and aluminium construction with a larger volume of 36 x 42 x 24 mm and increased weight to 32 grams. Both offer 4 to 25 V DC supply voltage and 3-wire electrical connection with a single NPN open collector output signal. Designed with high performance motorsports very much in mind, the operating temperature range spans – 50 to + 180 ⁰C and vibration/shock specifications allow arduous use up to 20 Gpp 5’/500 G.
Variohm EuroSensor supports the full range of Texense sensor products and offers custom modifications for electrical connection and mechanical mounting. The Texense range covers pressure, temperature and position sensors with CANbus as well as digital and analogue electrical interfacing – all fully proven for demanding applications across professional and club motorsports as well as automotive R&D and many other sports and industrial measurement tasks where extreme conditions prevail.
As a designer and manufacturer as well as supply partner for many leading sensor companies, Variohm provides full technical sales and support for many other sensor technologies including its own range of sensor products and systems for linear and rotary position, load, force, vibration and temperature. The Towcester – UK based specialist works in demanding measurement applications throughout industry, agriculture, construction, autosports, research and more.