Maintaining Integrity of Thermally Sensitive Biological Assays

The DrySyn ChilliBlock from Asynt allows you to undertake sensitive biological assays in a temperature-controlled manor, vastly reducing the risk of expensive biological samples, reagents or enzymes degrading due to adverse temperature conditions.

Traditionally methods of cooling biological assays have relied upon direct immersion in insulated ice buckets which are prone to considerable temperature variability, sample contamination and loss of wetted labels. In addition, using this methodology can only maintain a cooled temperature for a limited time, and requires staff to periodically monitor and add new coolant (ice).

Modular in design, the ChilliBlock base can be simply attached to most laboratory heating / cooling circulators thereby enabling stable temperature control at ‘important biological temperatures’ such as 0°C or 37°C for long periods of time. Designed for versatility, the ChilliBlock has interchangeable blocks for tubes, vials and plates as well as custom DrySyn blocks to fit any Eppendorf tube or vial.

For laboratories required many to undertake larger numbers of biological assays, the low profile of the Chilliblock allows it to be fully compatible with robotic sample handling systems.

Manufactured from durable anodised Aluminium – ChilliBlock’s offer good chemical resistance and will reliably allow you to maintain the integrity of your thermally sensitive biological samples for many years.

For further information on the DrySyn ChilliBlock please visit or  contact Asynt on +44-1638-781709 /

Asynt is a leading supplier of affordable products, consumables and services for chemists in industry and academia.  With staff of trained chemists – Asynt can draw upon this in-depth applications knowledge to provide a high level of customer support for its DrySyn Heating Blocks, Controlled Lab Reactors, Synthesis Tools, Evaporators, Circulators, Temperature Control Systems, Vacuum Pumps and Lab Safety Equipment.



Images:  Chiliblock set up for cooling tubs and a microplate / Asynt Chilliblock


Worldwide HQ

Asynt Ltd
Unit 29, Hall Barn Industrial Estate
Cambridgeshire CB7 5RJ

tel: +44-1638-781709



Media Contact:


Dr Bill Bradbury        Primetek Solutions