Matching Bias Controllers to our LiNbO 3 Modulators

Very Low Noise Sensitivity and Enhanced Stability

LASER COMPONENTS supplies iXblue‘s modulator bias controllers and board types,
showing a very low noise sensitivity yielding a signifi cant reduction of the required dither
voltage amplitude.

This new version is characterised by an enhanced stability. A USB communication and a
Graphical User Interface (GUI) are introduced for ease of use.

The MBC are identifi ed according to their application; ANalog, DiGital and PuLse fi t the
modulator behaviour and characteristics perfectly. The MBC-AN is designed for ANalog
applications where a high purity carrier is required. They are easy to implement, and fully
automated with the auto-set function.

The MBC-DG-LAB controller is a continuously tunable bias controller, meaning it allows
operation of the controlled intensity modulator at any point of its transfer function and thus
can be used for any telecom and DiGital modulation schemes. Similarly, the MBC-LAB be-
nefi ts from an auto-set operation for the Min modes resulting in a simplifi ed use for PuLse

The MBC-IQ-Lab is an electronic system able to control MXIQER modulators in a CS-SSB
modulation scheme. It is based on the minimisation of the beating harmonic of two small
dithers. This system maintains harmonic rejection of optical CS-SSB spectrum better than
40dB over tens of hours.

More Information ber-optical-modulators/

The Company

LASER COMPONENTS specialises in the development, manufacture, and sale of components
and services in the laser and optoelectronics industry. At LASER COMPONENTS, we have
been serving customers since 1982 with sales branches in fi ve diff erent countries. We have
been producing in house since 1986 with production facilities in Germany, Canada, and the
United States. In-house production makes up approximately half of our sales revenue. A
family-run business, we have more than 200 employees worldwide.