🙊8,811 products, but unable to make customer visits… What do we do?…

How about a virtual showroom of Contrinex sensors, like an exhibition booth, but without coffee ☕ that costs £5 per cup? – www.Showroom.PLUSAx.co.uk  

Browse Contrinex’s Inductive🧲, Photoelectric🔦, Ultrasonic🦇, RFID📻 and Machine Safety👷 sensors, find out more information, and download brochures.

Listen to the jazz🎷, (or mute🔇 it), relax, enjoy your coffee☕ and imagine how Contrinex sensors can help you improve machine performance and reliability, and reduce costs.

Contact PLUS Automation to help you #MakeSenseofSensors using Contrinex Inductive🧲, Photoelectric🔦, Ultrasonic🦇, RFID📻 & Machine Safety👷 sensors – [email protected] / 0121 58 222 58

Find more information and read about application examples at www.PLUSAx.co.uk, or download Contrinex’s new 2021 catalogue at www.Catalogue.PLUSAx.co.uk