VERICUT Version 9 fully optimized for maximum efficiency

The latest version of VERICUT CNC simulation, verification and optimization software was released earlier this year but continues to be improved and enhanced with additional incremental releases, which maintained users are automatically

VERICUT 9 is a game changer for verifying NC programs, with sharper displays, clearer views of the cutting process and better utilization of the system resources, making it easier to spot problems and imperfections in machined parts. It runs a lot of operations multi-thread and really makes use of GPUs that previous versions didn’t do.


The biggest improvement visible to the end user in VERICUT 9 is the new, more flexible and all open GL viewing environment. Users get optimal performance running simulations in a single view or multiple views, seamlessly switching between Workpiece, Machine, or Profile views, or view layouts for optimal viewing.

Users no longer have to use individual views to perform each operation – run a machine simulation, cut a section while it’s running or use X-Caliper and AUTO-DIFF all in the same window. All this runs smoother and quicker than in previous versions and streamlines the verification effort to increase productivity.

With other enhancements users can automate many processes with just a click of button. Check cutting limits, check spindle direction, check coolant, check syntax, check tools – all these can be pre-set, saved in a master template and VERICUT will run the checks automatically. These are all things that will help even the most experienced VERICUT users to use the software more effectively.

Finding and fixing problems is now quicker than ever before. Program preview quickly runs through the program without actually cutting the part, identifying machine crashes, fixture crashes and travel limit errors Issues are identified in the VERICUT logger and clicking the error it takes you directly to the block in the NC program where the error occurs where changes can be made. Using the new Restart function there is no need to verify from the start. Just verify the NC code from the line where changes have been made. This will be a huge benefit anyone verifying large NC programs.

As well as simulation and verification enhancements, Air-Cuts only optimization allows users to optimize tool motions that are not in contact with material with. This is included in Verification, it’s easy to use and it runs while simulating. For more advanced optimization, the VERICUT Force module comes with enhanced charts for analysing cutting conditions, chip thickness and tool deflection.

“The software is constantly improving making things quicker and easier for all users” Says Gavin Powell, CGTech Ltd Technical Director. “The aim is to help our customers be more efficient, more competitive and therefore more profitable.”