Advantech partners up with Intel and GARAOTUS to Provide Full Solutions and Services for Blooming Genomics Applications

Targeting the fast-growing genomics market, Advantech now partners with Intel and GARAOTUS, a brand of SYSTEX group, to deliver integrated hardware solution and deployment service.

Advancements in genomics are opening new doors for understanding human diseases and are increasingly informing innovative precision treatment plans. Genomics sequencing has significant potential to inform pathways to enhancing public health at a global scale. However, genomics sequencing generates hundreds of petabytes of data per year. Researchers and scientists require tools to analyze these enormous volumes of data in a timely manner to gain insights into disease and possible treatments.

Intel Select Solutions for Genomics Analytics is end-to-end optimized hardware and open source software configurations designed specifically to accelerate genomics analytics, making use of Intel technologies and Broad Institute’s Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK). The solution demonstrated a five-times overall performance improvement running GATK 4.0 compared to previous versions of the genomics software, and they reduce setup time for deploying an infrastructure to accelerate insights capture from genomics workflows. Performance gains include a 75 percent speedup for the BWA performance. The validated performance and quality results have been certified by Broad Institute.

The Advantech SKY-5240 fulfills the demands of high computing power for genomics applications and has been verified as an Intel Select Solution for Genomics Analytics. With eight 2nd Generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors featuring built-in AI acceleration, the SKY-5240 provides leadership CPU performance per socket in a compact 2U, 4-node form factor. Its scalability, high computing performance allows users to benefit from Intel’s experience in supporting data-intensive genomics applications with workload-optimized performance. Advantech SKY-5240 has validated system performance using a GATK best practices pipeline.

To fulfill the requirement of genomics analytics, the converged architecture provides the superior performance for the jobs like genome sequencing through HPC with AI framework workflow. Also, medical image recognition learning tasks can be accomplished through cloud computing design. To provide better services to customers, Advantech collaborates with GARAOTUS, a brand of SYSTEX group, dedicates to deliver comprehensive infrastructure service & solutions of Cloud computing, HPC, A.I. and Microservices for multi-applications, and offers architecture design, delivery, and training services through the Intel Select Solutions for Genomics Analytics, which accelerates the deployment progress to the end user.

Intel Select Solutions for Genomics Analytics makes it easier and faster to analyze genomics data.  Advantech choses to work with Intel and GARAOTUS to deliver reliable servers, a streamlined HPC end user for solution design and deployment, and global technical support that meets the needs of customers in the genomics community.

Advantech SKY-5240 Intel Select Solutions for Genomics Analytics now is ready, please contact Advantech sales for more information.