Wayland Additive is Awarded ISO 9001 Certification

(29th January 2021, Huddersfield, U.K.) Wayland Additive is proud to announce that its Quality Management System (QMS) has been awarded ISO 9001:2015 certification.

ISO 9001 is the world’s most recognised QMS standard. Its aim is to help organisations meet the needs of their customers and other stakeholders more effectively. This is achieved by building a framework to ensure consistent quality in the provision of goods and/or services.

Will Richardson, CEO at Wayland Additive says, “We are delighted to have been awarded ISO 9001 accreditation. It is an independent endorsement of the fact that we at Wayland Additive adhere to the key quality management principles, namely customer focus, engagement of people, process approach, leadership, improvement, evidence-based decision making, and relationship management. The ISO 9001 certification provides objective proof to our clients that customer satisfaction is at the core of our business. The award of an internationally recognized QMS award is another important step for Wayland as we take our proprietary NeuBeam® process encapsulated in our Calibur3 metal AM system from R&D to commercial availability.”

Wayland Additive is promoting innovation in metal AM for production applications. NeuBeam® is a truly ground-breaking metal AM process that effectively neutralises the electron beam (eBeam) powder bed fusion (PBF) process to offer greater flexibility than laser-based AM processes while overcoming the stability issues many users of traditional eBeam AM systems experience. In addition, the NeuBeam® process enables metallurgical requirements to be tailored to application requirements rather than the previous limitations of the process — to produce optimum results.

NeuBeam® also offers significant advantages over other technologies with built-in real-time in-process monitoring (IPM), allowing for rapid material development or tuning of microstructures by adapting the solidification during manufacture. With NeuBeam® the process temperature is not constrained by sintering the powder bed, allowing the process temperature to be optimized to the material microstructure and/or the application.

Peter Hansford, Director of Business Development at Wayland says, “The ISO 9001 certification is especially important for us at Wayland, as it reinforces a key aspect of the relationship that we wish to nurture with our customers, basically a partnership to ensure that our technology is optimised for specific applications. This means that at the heart of everything we do is a pragmatic and real focus on customer satisfaction. The customer really is at the centre of everything that we do. We are creating an industrial metal AM solution that focus on real-time deficiencies in alternative technologies, and we ensure that this ground-breaking technology is refined to meet specific customer requirements and expectations.”

Wayland Additive will be hosting a virtual commercial launch event on the 16th March 2021 and a physical event at its headquarters in Huddersfield, U.K. on 19th May 2021. Anyone interested can register from home page of Wayland’s website at www.waylandadditive.com.