Institution celebrates £2,500 gift from the Patron’s Fund

Fund to help actively champion and retain more women in engineering

The Institution of Mechanical Engineers is celebrating after receiving a £2,500 gift from The Patron’s Fund, the charitable fund set up to acknowledge the work of the charitable organisations for which Her Majesty, The Queen acts as a Patron, on the occasion of her 90th birthday.

As part of activities governed by its Equality and Diversity Strategy Board, the Institution had already commissioned a study on the reasons given by graduate women engineers for leaving engineering as a career. The Queen’s gift will action the first phase of a response to the findings of this study.

Dr Colin Brown, Director of Engineering at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, said:

“We are honoured to have The Queen as our Patron. This money will help us to positively retain the active engagement of women in the engineering profession.

“Engineering remains predominantly male dominated.  It is important therefore that we focus on the retention of women who are initially attracted to the idea but subsequently move away from engineering related careers. This specifically includes the progression of women into senior roles in their industry of choice.”

Sir Stuart Etherington, Chair of The Board of Trustees for The Patron’s Fund, said:

“The Patron’s Fund is very pleased to be able to support the Institution with its valuable work. It is among hundreds of organisations for which The Queen acts as a Patron, which between them make a difference to causes and communities in the UK and throughout the Commonwealth.”

Around £750,000 was available to be distributed between nearly 300 charities and other organisations in the UK and the Commonwealth. The Fund received generous donations from a range of supporters; including individual donors, businesses, schools, community groups and the proceeds from The Patron’s Lunch, the event on the Mall last June.