Amazon Filters SupaMesh stainless steel filter cartridges are the perfect tool for ensuring only culinary-grade steam is used in your food and beverage production process.
When producing steam that will come into contact either directly or indirectly with food and beverage products it must be of culinary grade (3A-609-03). Consequently, a boiler producing steam should only use FDA approved corrosion inhibitors and the steam should be filtered as close to the point of use as possible with a filter that provides 95% retention of 2-micron particles.
While dry saturated steam is the goal, in practice, the steam will be between 90 and 95% dryness fraction. Any entrained water results in the efficiency of any filter being reduced. To enable production of dry saturated culinary grade steam – Amazon Filters have introduced a 3-micron rated version of its SupaMesh filter, which even when wet will provide the necessary retention of 2-micron particles under all conditions. Combined with exceptional flow capacity this stainless steel sintered metal fibre filter cartridge ensures that this increased efficiency can be retrofitted into existing systems without compromising system performance.
All SupaMesh cartridges are manufactured from 316 stainless steel throughout. They are available in both plain cylindrical and pleated configurations, using the very latest in high specification mesh or sintered metal fibre media. Each design provides a simple sleeve of filter medium supported by a central core. The pleated design provides over twice the effective filtration area of the cylindrical cartridge. The plain cylindrical sintered metal powder cartridges are self-supporting. In all designs, the construction method used is fully welded with no adhesives or glues used. This method of construction guarantees cartridge integrity, eliminating the risk of bypass and the presence of extractables derived from any bonding agents.
SupaMesh filter cartridges are available with many standard industrial end cap configurations and seal materials. They are available with optional outer guards for reverse flow or backwashing to enhance their superior robust design. The top-quality materials and method of construction used allow SupaMesh filters use from –150ºC to +300ºC and up to 25 bar differential pressure in normal flow direction.
For further information on the 3-micron rated SupaMesh stainless steel cartridge filter for producing dry culinary grade steam please visit or contact Amazon Filters on +44-1276-670600 /