Showcasing organisations’ achievement in training and development: The prestigious Princess Royal Training Awards

Investment in learning and development is crucial to every successful business and the Princess Royal Training Awards not only recognise this but royally celebrate employers committed to providing outstanding training and skills development programmes.

Open to all private, public or not-for-profit organisations operating in the UK and Ireland regardless of size or sector, and completely free from start to finish, the Awards offer a high-profile platform for organisations to showcase their training achievements. As precision engineering organisation and Award recipient EDM Zone Ltd explained:

“We have won lots of awards in the apprenticeship realm, but we believe this one to be the pinnacle of apprenticeship awards. It’s the best you can get.” 

Commendably, as a standard of excellence, organisations do not compete against one another, they simply need to meet the Awards’ criteria through their training programmes.

Applicants receive unrivalled support at every stage of the process, through one-to-one calls, virtual and in-person workshops and ‘tea and chat’ sessions. There is even an opportunity to get feedback from Assessors on draft applications!

Successful applicants not only get to attend a high-profile ceremony where they receive their Award from HRH The Princess Royal, they also join an active Alumni network of 600+ members and benefit significantly from the ongoing recognition and honour that the Awards provide.

What’s more, in a recent survey with Award recipients on the impact of achieving the Award, 99% of respondents highlighted the increased confidence in their organisation’s approach to culture and training, 90% cited the positive impact on their organisation’s ability to demonstrate the role of L&D in their commitment to Social Value and 88% reported increased investment in L&D programmes.

Previous recipients from the engineering sector have included 3P Innovation Ltd, Barlows UK Ltd, Bouygues Energies and Services Solutions, EDM Zone Ltd and the Electrical Distributors Association and in the 2023 Awards, with a surge in applications from engineering organisations, Amey Plc, Stainless Metalcraft and MKC Training Services Ltd joined the prestigious Alumni.

If your organisation is committed to learning and development and is keen to be recognised for a training programme which has positively impacted your organisation, you can register now.

When applications open on 4 December 2023, you’ll be sent a unique link to the application form. Applications close on 28 March 2024. Any questions? Contact the Team.