Tailored cryopreservation storage solutions for cell therapy manufacturing

CELLBANKER® freezing media from AMSBIO is now available in customizable formats, seamlessly integrating into cell manufacturing processes with personalized formulations, volumes, and packaging.

Cited in over 500 scientific publications, the CELLBANKER range has proven itself as a safe and reliable solution for storing cells and tissues. This includes GMP-grade, chemically defined formulations specifically designed for the storage of biospecimens for clinical applications.

Widespread adoption of cell and gene therapies has required new advances in cell manufacturing and processing to produce pharmaceutical-grade products. The move from research and development to clinical applications presents technical and regulatory challenges. Ensuring both consumables and manufacturing equipment meet rigorous quality standards is crucial for achieving clinically safe cell products and requires meticulous planning and substantial investment.


Working closely with leading life science companies, AMSBIO has recognized that manufacturing process development requires not only high-quality equipment and reagents but also that everything must seamlessly integrate for large-scale cell production. As a greater number of diverse cell therapies move towards market adoption, their efficient manufacture demands flexible options to fit the variety of closed systems managing the expansion, harvesting and storage of cells in deliverable formats.

To cater for large scale cell manufacturing processes where the standard CELLBANKER plastic bottles may not be suitable, AMSBIO now offers a consultation service to customize this market-leading product in different packaging and even formulations optimized to enhance, streamline, and improve your manufacturing process.

From consultation to non-GMP prototypes and large-scale GMP manufacture at pharmaceutical standards. AMSBIO offers unmatched expertise in cryopreservation media to provide tailored storage solutions for cell therapy products. For further information please visit https://www.amsbio.com/cellbanker-cell-freezing-media/ or contact AMSBIO on +31-72-8080244 / +44-1235-828200 / +1-617-945-5033 / info@amsbio.com.




Founded in 1987, AMS Biotechnology (AMSBIO) is recognized today as a leading transatlantic company contributing to the acceleration of discovery through the provision of cutting-edge life science technology, products, and services for R&D in the medical, nutrition, cosmetics, and energy industries. AMSBIO has in-depth expertise in extracellular matrices to provide elegant solutions for studying cell motility, migration, invasion, and proliferation. This expertise in cell culture and the ECM allows AMSBIO to partner with clients in tailoring cell systems to enhance organoid and spheroid screening outcomes using a variety of 3D culture systems, including organ-on-a-chip microfluidics. For drug discovery research, AMSBIO offers assays, recombinant proteins, and cell lines. Drawing upon a huge and comprehensive biorepository, AMSBIO is widely recognized as a leading provider of high-quality tissue specimens (including custom procurement) from both human and animal tissues. The company provides unique clinical grade products for stem cells and cell therapy applications. This includes GMP cryopreservation technology, and high-quality solutions for viral delivery.

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AMS Biotechnology (AMSBIO)

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Oxon OX14 4SE


Tel: +44-1235-828200
Fax: +44-1235-820482
Email: info@amsbio.com
Web www.amsbio.com