High power laser beam focusing

Using proprietary production techniques, and benefiting from an ultra-stable production facility, Optical Surfaces Ltd has established itself as a leading supplier of fast focusing on-axis parabolic mirrors for high power laser experiments.

Inherently on-axis parabolic mirrors allow a higher f-number (<0.7) to be achieved than off-axis designs therefore more laser energy can be concentrated on an experimental target. Generally, alignment of on-axis parabolic mirrors is less critical, thus they are also easier to use.

Generations of customers have sourced on-axis parabolic mirrors from Optical Surfaces Ltd. The company’s heritage goes back over 50 years to the production of large astronomical telescope optics, larger than 1 metre in diameter, for the Royal Greenwich Observatory (UK) and other prestigious customers.

Due to their completely achromatic performance, on-axis parabolic mirrors are suitable for both broadband and multiple wavelength laser applications. Manufactured from materials including glass, ceramic, and silica –on-axis parabolic mirrors from Optical Surfaces are designed to optimise the performance of ultra-high power pulsed lasers. All surface accuracies are checked by interferometer and are guaranteed to be better than λ/10 p-v wave accuracy with low scatter.

In combination with the latest dielectric coating technology – Optical Surfaces on-axis mirrors provide minimum pulse distortion and the maximum usable bandwidth. For use with high-power femtosecond lasers operating at 750 to 850 nm, these fast-focusing mirrors can be used at power densities of greater than 100 mJ/cm2 for pulsed 50-fs pulses without deterioration. Production approved to ISO 9001-2015 the quality and performance of fast focusing on-axis parabolic mirrors from Optical Surfaces Ltd. is second to none.

An F0.8 on-axis parabolic mirror of 175-mm diameter with surface accuracy better than λ/10 P-V and smoothness of 20/10 scratch/dig. Produced for the Central Laser Facility (CLF) at the STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) the mirror was coated with a UV-silver coating providing >98% reflectivity across the 300 to 800 nm wavelength range.

For further information please visit https://optisurf.com/on-axis-paraboloids/ or contact Optical Surfaces Ltd. on +44-208-668-6126 / [email protected].