Detector module for instruments that require fluorescence detection.

Biotech Fluidics announce an exciting new addition to their range of robust, high performance Runge Mikron modular detectors.

With a diameter of just 32 mm (1.25 inches) and measuring only 128 mm (5 inches) in length, the Mikron 71 is the smallest, commercially available fluorimeter.

This detector is available with multiple interchangeable, fixed wavelength filters, light sources and flow cells enabling both simulation and emission fluorescence measurements. The flexible modularity of the Mikron 71 fluorescence detector enables it to be configured for almost any fluidic application. It is particularly ideal for instruments lacking fluorescence detection such as preparative liquid chromatography systems.

Benefiting from a long-life, low power LED light source, this Mikron 71 can be used directly in a chilled environment at 4 °C (39°F) – making it perfect for bioanalytical applications such as detection of proteins down to the nanomolar level. The Mikron 71 detector reference channel ensures a high degree of accuracy and sensitivity with no need for external calibration.

Runge Mikron detectors are easy to connect as they communicate through and draw power from a single USB-C port. Drivers are provided for several popular chromatography software packages, alternatively an open protocol can be used for customized implementation. The detectors conform to international standards and are CE marked.

For further information about the Runge Mikron 71 fluorescence detector please visit or contact Biotech Fluidics on + 46 300 56 91 80 / + 1-612-703-5718 / [email protected].