Defence to present cutting edge technology and their world class training offer at MACH 16, Birmingham 11 – 15 April

The Ministry of Defence will have a strong presence this year at MACH 16, the Manufacturing and Technology Association (MTA) trade event at the NEC in Birmingham from 11 to 15 April. Regular and Reserve members of the Royal Navy, the Army, and the Royal Air Force, as well as Civil Service and partner contractors, will be represented at the exhibition. 


Defence is a global leader in the design, development and employment of cutting edge technologies and equipment and is investing heavily in first class training to Regulars and Reserves in engineering and technology.


The Defence stand (4788) in the Learning and Development area in Hall 4 will show off  state of the art equipment including:

  • The Rolls Royce MT-30 gas turbine, which powers some of the UK’s most modern warships including the new aircraft carrier, HMS Queen Elizabeth.
  • The FV512/513 WARRIOR one of the Army’s current armoured battlefield repair and recovery vehicles
  • REACHER, a satellite communications ground terminal delivering information and data services in the battlespace.

Members of the Armed Forces and Defence experts will conduct seminars and be on hand at the stand to demonstrate the displays and communicate the wide range of technical and engineering roles and excellent training on offer across the Regular and Reserve Forces.


Air Commodore Warren James, Head of Training, Education, Skills, Recruiting and Resettlement said:


“The Ministry of Defence is delighted to support MACH16. Defence shares with the MTA a commitment to developing world class skills and advancing high standards in technology. We want to engage with people across all walks of life and present our excellent training offer in over 300 different trades that go far beyond the images familiar on our TV screens – and are far more representative of our diverse and exciting roles.


“We also seek to engage with small and large businesses to identify common goals and work together supporting STEM development in education and working life to benefit the UK economy.”


The Ministry of Defence’s Head of Reserves, Brigadier Mark van der Lande, said:


“This event gives us a great opportunity to showcase the portfolio of skills, experience and behaviours acquired by Reservists that can be transferred back to their civilian jobs.


“These include technical and specialist skills which are relevant to the engineering sector, as well as highly desirable ‘softer’ transferable skills such as leadership, communication, decision-making and working under pressure, all of which enable engineers to develop their wider potential and benefit their civilian employers.”

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Seminar programme: