Bruderer unveils ‘UK’ first at MACH 2016 @brudereruk @machexhibiton

Bruderer UK celebrated its biggest ever presence at MACH by unveiling a ‘UK’ first in high performance stamping.

The company, which has bases in Birmingham and Luton, showcased its BSTA 410-110 for the first time ever in this country, a new high speed press that meets growing customer demand for greater production complexity.

Combining the dynamics of its well-proven BSTA 280 with the performance of a BSTA 510, the new machine boasts a stroke speed of 1600 per minute and an impressive tool loading area of 1100 mm.

Bosses at the firm have already received significant interest for this new technology from clients involved in construction, food, micro electronics and medical.

“MACH is a major event in our calendar and we always like to be able to launch something new to the market…this year was no different,” explained Adrian Haller, Managing Director of Bruderer UK.

“There has been a lot of interest in the 40 tonne range and the BSTA 410-110 addresses this demand, offering speed, precision and extra bed length capacity. It’s an irresistible combination, especially when you add in the latest high speed precision servo feeder technology we can provide.”

He went on to add: “Priced at approximately £350,000 it represents great value for money and we expect to sell at least three of these machines in the UK this year.

Bruderer had a major presence in the Metalworking Village at MACH and, in addition to the BSTA 410-110, promoted its collaboration with ZANI presses, which sees it provide presses from 200 tonne to 1000 tonne, together with service and parts support for the UK and Ireland.

A number of interesting working displays were also exhibited, including innovations for shop floor data collection to support overall equipment effectiveness (OEE), press and press tool protection systems and a section on Biegema, formally known as Finzer and a specialist in bending and forming of complicated parts.

About Bruderer UK

Bruderer UK enjoyed significant growth in 2015, seeing sales pass the £3.5m mark with the potential to increase even further over the next twelve months.

The Swiss-owned company, who manufactures presses ranging from 180 up to 2500 kN, boasts a total of 11 divisions with six competence centers across the world.

For further information, please visit or follow @brudereruk on twitter.