Enhancing Performance Through Accredited Training

There is a distinct focus at present on industry’s pro-active approach to apprentice training, to provide the skills that our manufacturing companies will need in the future. However, ongoing training in the wide range of disciplines engineers find themselves working within is essential. This serves not only to hone existing skills and provide individuals with the tools for personal development, but helps to maximise productivity and efficiency through increased knowledge and additional skills.

The challenging economic conditions within which manufacturers currently operate mean that the highest levels of efficiency are essential to maintain what are often tight margins. Unexpected breakdowns and the resultant downtimes will quickly eat into efficiency levels, therefore it is essential that stoppages are dealt with rapidly. This can only be achieved if those responsible for maintenance and repair have the appropriate diagnostics and remedial training.

Quick Hydraulics runs a series of 3-day City & Guilds accredited training courses

Quick Hydraulics runs a series of 3-day City & Guilds accredited training courses

Conscious of the negative effects that lack of training can have, Altec Engineering Group company Quick Hydraulics now offers City & Guilds accredited hydraulic training courses from its North Shields base. Managing Director Andrew Esson reiterated the importance of quality training. “The power of training cannot be underestimated.  As the industry adapts to tricky conditions, companies armed with the best people are more likely to weather the storm with minimal disruption.  While cuts are being made in other functions, learning and development cannot suffer.  An investment in employees now will pay dividends.”

The company runs a series of three day Hydraulic Engineering Courses, with increasing technical complexity, designed to take engineers from novice to expert. A  City & Guilds Accredited Programme Certificate is awarded for each course level, to delegates who successfully complete the training. The Hydraulic Engineering Fundamentals course offers a basic grounding in the principles of hydraulics at entry level for technicians and engineers with no prior knowledge of hydraulic engineering and for apprentices, graduates and design engineers.

The Hydraulic Engineering Failure Analysis and Trouble Shooting course is for students with a basic understanding of hydraulics who wish to develop their hydraulic knowledge. The third and final Hydraulic Engineering Systems Design and Advanced Troubleshooting course is designed for engineering managers and senior engineers who are involved in the design and repair of advanced hydraulic systems.

Quick Hydraulics has also received official endorsement from the British Fluid Power Association (BFPA) for its training programmes. After rigorous inspection earlier this year, the BPFA officially approved the courses, positioning Quick Hydraulics as the sector leader in hydraulic training. The driving force behind the development of the comprehensive training courses offered by Quick, and the industry accreditations achieved by the company, is Engineering Director Alan Egglestone. A highly experienced hydraulic practitioner, Alan is supported by two colleagues with the same hands on hydraulics expertise. This approach ensures that students have the opportunity to gain the highest levels of knowledge at each stage of their training.

Quick Managing Director Andrew Esson (Left) with Engineering Director Alan Egglestone (right) receive certification from the British Fluid Power Association for the company’s Hydraulic training programmes

Quick Managing Director Andrew Esson (Left) with Engineering Director Alan Egglestone (right) receive certification from the British Fluid Power Association for the company’s Hydraulic training programmes

The resultant benefits of structured accredited training are not just limited to the increased skill levels of the individual. Their employers benefit from an improved safety record through better awareness and knowledge, reduced maintenance times and Increased productivity through a more professional approach to maintenance.

Quick Hydraulics has worked on a number of major hydraulic projects in the North East and across the world for over 35 years. The company supports its customers from design, through to delivery supplying full hydraulic system installations and hydraulic components providing a 24-hour a day service. Quick Hydraulics has also been providing training to industry professionals in house for over 20 years.


For more information, please contact:-

Hannah Steel

Group Marketing Administrator

Altec Engineering Group

Unit 1, Bowburn North Industrial Estate



Telephone – +44(0)191 377 0555

E-Mail – altec@alteceng.co.uk

Web – www.alteceng.co.uk