Industry’s most influential virtual engineering fair?

Following the outstanding success of last year’s event, EPLAN is hosting another Virtual Engineering Fair in association with its affiliate, CIDEON. Taking place on Tuesday, 21 March, the virtual event will deliver all of the benefits and opportunities of a traditional trade-show with none of the inconvenience. There will be live software demonstrations, Q&A sessions, presentations and private chat rooms – all without costly time-consuming travel and a day out of the office!

The digital portals of the Virtual Engineering Fair will be open, free of charge, to customers, journalists and other interested parties. During twelve hours of live operations, from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm CET, visitors will be able to conveniently access the fair on personal computers, smartphones or tablet computers – in the office, at home or even on the train!

This is a time- and cost-saving alternative, especially for participants from further afield – all will be able to take advantage of an international specialist trade show with global knowledge transfer and worldwide networking.

Those who intend to attend the Fair – virtually, of course – simply register online by following this link:

Visitors can log in at their convenience and take part in the online presentations and chats with experts from EPLAN and CIDEON from around the globe – no queues and no aching feet from walking for miles between booths! Throughout the event, a team of experts will be available for live chat, for answering questions and for discussing specific requirements and challenges.

The “layout” of the fair is similar to that of real trade show, with an entry hall from which paths to various virtual spaces branch off. The central focus of the show will consist of an “auditorium” where attendees can watch various live presentations.

In another virtual space there will be WebEx demos of real software products that attendees can select and watch. The core presentations will include the companies’ strategies, the new EPLAN Cogineer, and the House of Mechatronics – with the communication and information platform Syngineer – as well as shop-floor solutions in control cabinet engineering. In addition, topics in the area of ERP/PDM integration and new EPLAN Data Portal features will be discussed.

EPLAN partners also will find this an interesting and original networking platform and many of these will also have their own virtual stalls at the fair. In the foyer, visitors will also be able to establish contact with one another via online chat – providing an unparalleled opportunity for users from around the world to talk interactively.