Event news – The three strategic levers in engineering

EPLAN, one of Europe’s leading innovators in computer aided engineering (CAE) solutions, is offering business owners in the engineering sector an invaluable opportunity to extend and update their knowledge of mechatronics, smart data and the integrated value chain. These themes are at the present time widely accepted as being the three most important strategic levers in engineering.

The themes will be covered in depth at a seminar hosted by EPLAN, which will be held at the University of Sheffield Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC) on Thursday, 23 March. The event runs from 10:00 am until approximately 2:00 pm. Lunch and refreshments will be included.

There is no charge for attending this informative and timely seminar, but places must be reserved in advance by emailing Michelle Simpson (simpson.m@eplan.co.uk) or calling 01709 704100. As places are strictly limited and demand is expected to be high, early booking is strongly advised.

The seminar will explain the vital significance of engineering in industrial operations of all types, citing an illuminating German survey which reveals that, typically, 70% of the costs of a finished product are determined and at least partially controllable by the actions of the engineering and development departments.

It will then look at the factors that affect not only the efficiency of those departments but also their effectiveness in working toward optimised designs and manufacturing techniques.

Key objectives for engineering in the 21st century that will be explored during the seminar include virtualised product development; enhanced flexibility, with the use of building blocks and standardisation even for “lot size one”; engineering data that remains relevant and useful throughout the product life cycle; effective cooperation with internal and external partners; and achieving the cultural change which is essential for remaining competitive in the future.

The seminar presentations will be made by experts from EPLAN who have proven experience of devising and implementing systems that support these objectives. As well as benefiting from the formal presentations, those attending will also have ample opportunity to discuss their own specific challenges and requirements with these experts.


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