Fortress boss backs productivity push

Challenging production processes, keeping an open mind to future time and cost saving opportunities and working collaboratively with food sector stakeholders will underpin the success of the British government’s Industrial Strategy whitepaper unveiled at the end of last year claims the MD of Fortress Technology Europe, Phil Brown.

As Britain negotiates it way through Brexit, Phil concurs that the food industry has reached the tipping point in the productivity debate, with the UK continuing to lag well behind European and G7 peers, including The Netherlands, Germany and France. Deploying smarter technology will be integral to driving productivity growth, as well as improving food safety and quality, says the Fortress European boss.

With productivity being a measurement of output per hour by worker, machine uptime on a food production line is critical to success. However, Phil is quick to point out that on a fast moving food inspection and packing line it’s processes rather than people that often impacts performance.