Simple Workplace Dust, Noise and Vibration Monitoring

Workplace monitoring can improve employee health as measurement enables the identification of areas and activities that increase exposure.  Casella’s monitoring solutions ensure quick, simple and precise data.

Hand held devices for walk-through surveys

Casella’s 24x, 62X and 63x Sound Level Meters and Microdust Pro™ dust monitor, are ideal for spot checks and walkthrough surveys to identify problem areas. These rugged instruments are easy to use quick, accurate and instantly provide data.

Bodily worn solutions for precise personal sampling. Casella’s Apex2 I.S™ personal air sampling pumps monitor an individual’s exposure to dust, fumes and gases and offer class beating performance and long battery life.

Casella have just introduced the Flow Detective™ air sampling pump calibrator. The first with airflow pulsation measurement to ensure the correct flow, with traceable results.  This electronic calibrator can measure to 2% accuracy and can send results via the Airwave app to email. The device alerts if pulsation exceeds 10% to adhere to ISO 13137, as excessive pulsation can have a detrimental effect on the collection of the correct fraction of respirable dust.

The Flow Detective™ can be used with any manufacturers’ air sampling pumps. When used with Apex2 I.S personal sampling pump, the Apex2™ and Flow Detective™ can be connected via the Airwave™ App allowing for closed loop airflow calibration with the ability to remotely set the flow via Airwave™, without manual settings needed. This drastically saves time when calibrating pumps.

Casella’s dBadge2™ personal noise dosimeter is small and unobtrusive, and can record the actual audio a worker has been exposed to, to be played back to determine exposure sources.

The Apex2 I.S™ as well as the dBadge2™ are intrinsically safe for use in potentially explosive areas. These devices are able to remotely monitor via using the Casella Airwave app which means that you can manage your assessments from your mobile phone. This means that you do not have to disturb your workers from their task and you can monitor and make interventions as necessary.

Ensuring environmental compliance

The Guardian2 boundary monitor can cater for dust, noise as well as meteorological agents in one enclosure with 24/7 access to real-time data and reports readily produced for compliance purposes. Alerts and reports can be sent to multiple users via text or email should limits be exceeded.

Casella monitoring solutions support real-time rapid decision-making, equipping users with greater knowledge to improve workplace health programs.

To find out more about our monitoring solutions, visit, call 01234 844100 or email