Automation made easy with robolink Apiro modular a new motion concept from igus

robolink Apiro is the new modular motion system from igus, which enables design engineers develop low-cost automation systems. Consisting three lubrication-free worm gears for standard movement, inverted movement and linear movement, the system can be configured to perform simple linear motion to complex humanoid and animatronic robotic tasks.


“The name says it all: Apiro is derived from the Greek word for “unlimited”, explains Robert Dumayne, dry-tech director at igus. “When the new series was being developed, the focus was on decoupling the motor and gearbox, as well as a new type of worm gear.”


With the new modular system, therefore, even complicated movements can be implemented. For example, cost-effective and individual SCARA robots and linear robots as well as sprue pickers for the removal of products from injection-moulding machines. Transport and handling systems, as well as humanoid and animatronic robots which can perform movements like those of a spider, for instance. The new robolink series is also suitable for training, development and research as different kinematics can be set up easily and quickly.


In the worm gears of the new Apiro series, high-quality tribo-polymers with solid lubricants are used. The corrosion-free and chemical-resistant high-performance plastics ensure a high degree of stability, low weight, a long service life and freedom from the need for maintenance. The joints are joined together by a multi-functional profile made of aluminium. This makes it possible to insert drive shafts through a hollow space in the middle, a possibility that the inverted worm gear makes use of. The gearbox rotates the aluminium profile, making it suitable for use in robotics and rotating applications.


For linear motion, the aluminium profile travels linearly through the worm gear or the worm gear travels on the linear profile. The multi-functional profile also enables the engineer to connect the different gearboxes of the robolink Apiro series. Placing several Apiro joints side by side makes parallel joint connections possible as well. This results in endless possibilities of combination in order to automate very different applications.


The aim is, to be able to offer robolink Apiro as a series-produced solution for a wide market after the test phases. In addition, a configurator is being planned that is to simulate the modular system’s different possibilities of movement.


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Based in Northampton in the UK and with global headquarters in Cologne, Germany, igus is a leading international manufacturer of energy chain systems and polymer plain bearings. The family-run company is represented in 35 countries and employs 3.800 people around the world. In 2017, igus generated a turnover of 690 million euros with motion plastics, plastic components for moving applications.


With plastic bearing experience since 1964, cable carrier experience since 1971 and continuous-flex cable since 1989, igus provides the right solution based on 100,000 products available from stock with between 1,500 and 2,500 new product introductions each year. igus operates the largest test laboratories and factories in its sector to offer customers quick turnaround times on innovative products and solutions tailored to their needs.


The terms igus, chainflex, CFRIP, conprotect, CTD, drylin, dry-tech, dryspin, easy chain, e-chain, e-chain systems, e-ketten, e-kettensysteme, e-skin, flizz, ibow, iglide, iglidur, igubal, manus, motion plastics, pikchain, readychain, readycable, speedigus, triflex, plastics for longer life, robolink and xiros are protected by trademark laws in the Federal Republic of Germany and internationally, where applicable.


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For further information, please contact:

Megan Campbell, igus

Tel: 01604 677240
