Softing introduces an enhanced version of the proven PROFINET commissioning and diagnostics tool Analyzer IE. The new version is called Analyzer PRO and allows the measurement of passive parameters that give a more detailed insight into the PROFINET network.
As an enhanced version of the commissioning and diagnostics tool Analyzer IE, Analyzer PRO includes a TAP (Terminal Access Point) device called “profiTap”. profiTap records network communication such as jitter, load ratio and device update rate. These so-called passive parameters cannot be determined via actively communicating to devices. With the help of profiTap, all packets traveling to and from the controller are analyzed and network communication is recorded. Eventually, the parameters are integrated in the acceptance report and add an additional layer of information which provides more detailed insights into the PROFINET network.
Analyzer PRO is the combination of Softing’s products TH SCOPE software and TH LINK PC. It monitors and diagnoses the health of industrial networks so that field devices continue to communicate with PLCs which would otherwise cause plant downtime or outages. The generated acceptance reports correspond to the recommendations of the “PROFINET Commissioning Guideline” from PROFIBUS & PROFINET International (PI). Analyzer PRO is tailored to the needs of maintenance and production operations and requires no IT or network expertise on the part of the user. In addition to the PROFINET standard, EtherNet/IP, Modbus TCP and PROFIBUS are also supported. Analyzer PRO is available for download under the following link: Analyzer PRO
Visit Softing at SPS IPC Drives in Nuremberg, November 27 to 29, 2018, Hall 5, Booth 260.
About Softing
Softing is a management holding company run in accordance with the principles and values of a German Mittelstand enterprise. Due to the increasingly international focus of its operating divisions, Softing is respected as a strategic partner by global corporations too. The Automotive, Industrial and IT Networks business segments market cutting-edge software and hardware products as well as services. In close partnership with customers, Softing uses standard products, among others, to create high-quality, customized solutions that bridge technological gaps. Softing’s engineering intelligence implements and improves the exchange of data and information, enabling customers to optimize their value chains.
For more details:
Hitex Ltd.
University of Warwick, Science Park
Coventry, CV4 7HS
Phone : +44 2476 692 [email protected]
Softing Industrial Automation GmbH
Richard-Reitzner-Allee 6
D-85540 Haar
Stephanie WIDDER
Phone : +49 (89) 456 56-365
Fax : +49 (89) 456 56-399
[email protected]