Do you have anyone needing basic pump knowledge?

The British Pump Manufacturers Association (BPMA) has been running dedicated pump training courses since the mid 1990’s and has helped equip hundreds of individuals with the knowledge and skills required to understand the design, installation and operation of this essential piece of equipment.  


As part of its ongoing commitment to this aspect of its service provision to both its Members and the wider ‘pump using industry’, the BPMA has secured CPD accreditation across its full training programme.


In addition to its suite of ‘Lecture to Student’ based courses, covering the key subjects of Pumping Fundamentals, Pump Selection, Pump Testing, Pump Systems and finally, Hydraulic Design of Centrifugal Pumps, the BPMA also offers two ‘E-Learning Courses’, namely:


  • Introduction to Pumping Technology
  • Essentials of Pumping Technology


The first of these is designed to help those individuals who are new to pumps, or those in your organisation, irrespective of job function, who would benefit from gaining some understanding of the basics of what a pump is, the various types and crucially where and how they can be used.


Both these E-Learning Courses are independently accredited by the National Open Collage Network (NOCN), which ensures yet further credibility and value to both the course and the resulting qualification.


Introduction to Pump Technology course syllabus:


•              What is a pump? •              Pumping issues
•              Units and dimensions •              Pumping systems
•              Rotodynamic pumps •              Dictionary
•              Rotary positive displacement •              Conversion factors
•              Reciprocating PD pumps •              Suggested reading
•              The pump family tree •              Final test


The course costs just £180.00 +Vat and can be booked online via the BPMA website and can be settled by either credit card, or via invoice following receipt of an official company purchase order.


For further information, please visit the website – – or call Steve Smith on 0121 601 6691.