Air Conveyors, also known as air hopper fillers, are a convenient way of moving powdered or granulated products around a factory and a new range introduced by The Spray People Group (SPG) is a good example of these types of product. Manufactured by Canadian company Nexflow and sold under The Air Nozzle People sub-division of SPG, these compact conveyors offer important advantages over conventional conveyors, such as no moving parts, high reliability and easily controllable flow. 

The conveyors work by converting a compressed air stream into a strong moving air current with a partial vacuum at one end and a positive air flow at the other. This allows light product to be moved through a tube system with no moving parts and no external power source other than the compressed air feed line.

They are available in a range of materials including hygienic 316 stainless steel for food grade applications and in several different sizes to fit pipework from 3/8” up to 5”. Also, an XS-PC option is available as a clog resistant conveyor which is suitable for moving materials that may be prone to clogging conventional conveyors.

Typical applications for air conveyors occur in food and general manufacturing such as hopper loading, fibre tensioning, material conveying, waste / trim removal, chip removal, part transfer and filing operations.  ENDS


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