Authorised by NRAP for use on railway infrastructure for which Network Rail is the manager under ROGS regulations
PULS Power, the specialist manufacturer of high reliability DIN-Rail power supplies, is pleased to announce that five of their QS Series products have been awarded full acceptance certification by Network Rail for use with signaling equipment in environments not exceeding 95% relative humidity. The Network Rail product acceptance process is required for products intended for use on or about rail infrastructure and ensures they are safe, reliable, fit for purpose, compatible and do not export unacceptable risks to the infrastructure. Only accepted products, (except those allowed by NR/L2/RSE/100/05) may be used on rail infrastructure.
Key features of the PULS QS Series of DIN-Rail power supplies include a wide input range from 100 to 240VAC, very wide operating temperature form -25⁰C to +60⁰C without derating (+60⁰C to +70⁰C with derating) and operation with 95% maximum relative humidity.
Three of the approved PULS DIN-Rail power supplies feature the advanced PULS Hiccupplus overload protection mode using technology innovations to overcome the problems associated with early hiccup protection circuits which were considered too sensitive when used in conjunction with motors or loads that are equipped with large input capacity, running power supplies in parallel or battery charging. These are the QS40.241 with a DC output of 24V/40A, and the QS20.481.C1 and QS20.241.C1 with outputs of 48V/10A and 24V/20A respectively and feature conformal coating
The two other approved DIN-Rail power supplies are the QS10.481.C1 providing an output of 48V/5A and the QS5.241.A1 rated ta 24V/5A which are also conformally coated. A wall mounting bracket is available for all models.
“Railway infrastructure is a key market for our DIN-Rail power supplies. “comments Marco van der Linden, UK Country manager for PULS.” Our advanced, high efficiency and high reliability designs simplified the process required for us to be awarded our Network Rail certification and we are looking forward to increased sales into railway projects.”
Typical applications for PULS DIN-Rail power supplies include, industrial and process control, building automation, smart buildings and Industry 4.0, panel-building, test and measurement, instrumentation and communications systems. Versions are ruggedised for harsh environments.
For more information on PULS DIN-Rail power supplies call +44 1525 841001, email or visit