Is this now the time for Manufacturers to Reshore to the UK?

Ever since manufacturers began outsourcing production to more competitively priced overseas economies there has been a race to the bottom based on price.  However, there is an intrinsic value attached to making things here in the UK, not least being the opportunities to innovate. www.Reshoring.UK highlights the skills and resources available within the UK supply chains.

With the COVID-19 pandemic exposing the frailties of many of the UK supply chains, underlining in stark detail just how reliant many have become on the overseas supply of critical items, there should be more impetus put on re-establishing UK production of these parts and protect SME manufacturing.

Twenty two leading industrial engineering associations are already behind the growing Reshoring UK initiative which has been developed to assist manufacturers locate and understand the breadth of skills that are vested in the SME engineering companies capable of delivering UK-based products and services. The website platform has been created to help re-establish the capability required to meet manufacturers demands and recognise the many UK businesses that have responded in this current crisis and applaud just how much the capability and competence is available within the UK.

“We know it is a myth that the UK no longer manufactures anything, but it is often repeated and needs to be dispelled”

Even before the global threat from COVID-19 there was a paradigm shift from OEMs looking at the benefits of reshoring, often citing the high standards of quality, innovation and support provided by UK companies.

“With so much value to be gained for both sides, large manufacturers only need to look more closely at what is already available to them in this country, in terms of  innovation, technology transfer across sectors, and quality.

The  partnership urges the manufacturing sector to seize this opportunity to reconsider its supply base and contact Julia Moore at for assistance.