Up to 3 sensors Pt 100, Pt 1000, KTY or PTC thermistor can be connected to the TR 250 temperature relay from Ziehl. One needs only one device, whether for a transformer with sensors Pt 100, with PTC thermistors or even a mixture of both. The TR250 from Ziehl simplifies your parts and spares lists.
The TR250 is particularly versatile. It can monitor several sensors simultaneously to a limit value or a sensor to up to 3 limit values and it can even measure the difference between two sensors.
The TR250 comes with pre-set programs for motor and transformer protection make commissioning particularly easy.
The switching behaviour of the 3 output relays, monitoring working or quiescent current, switching delays or storage of a switch-off is programmable on the device.
This makes the TR250 suitable not only for the protection of electric motors or transformers against over temperature but also for control and monitoring tasks in a wide range of applications.
ZIEHL supplies further devices for 1 to 8 temperature sensors with up to 7 output relays as well as a range of electrical measuring and protection devices. For further information please visit our website www.tvri.co.uk or contact us on sales@tvri.co.uk tel: +44(0) 1206 575755