Spiroflow’s virtual interaction extends from machine demos to pre-delivery inspection and site tours

For powder handling and dry solids processing experts, Spiroflow, embracing technology and finding new ways to interact with both customers and prospects was essential to maintain business momentum as the pandemic developed globally last year.

The company started by offering virtual demonstrations, via either Teams or Zoom platforms, utilising their test bay facilities located at their Clitheroe-Lancs HQ. The space is fully equipped with a range of equipment, including mobile and static flexible screw conveyors (FSC) – the mobile version featuring Spiroflow’s remote monitoring system – SAM, various FSC tubes and spirals, aero mechanical and tubular drag conveyors, as well as bulk bag fillers and bulk bag unloaders. The test bay facility has also proved to be an ideal venue, with the online demonstrations providing a captivating alternative solution to on-site visits.

Spiroflow has since expanded their virtual interaction to include full factory tours, engineering processes, SAM (Spiroflow Active Monitoring) demonstrations, comprehensive Factory Acceptance Tests and Pre-Delivery Inspections for customers to attend, albeit virtually. For free of charge testing and material trials offered by Spiroflow, customers can either witness the proceedings live online, via a recorded live link, or a video and test report can be forwarded in their absence. Additionally, Spiroflow’s service engineers and electrical software engineers have the capability to remotely commission delivered equipment, which they have been doing successfully for over 12 months now.

“Clearly the preference of course is to have customers visit us here at Spiroflow and see their equipment in person,” said Spiroflow managing director, James Podevyn. “However, given the restrictions created by the pandemic, we have found that online and virtual demonstrations work really well.

“Through real-time streaming video technology, we can give an engaging showcase of our equipment, or deliver full blown factory tours. For example, I’ve recently given a virtual factory insight to our new sales representative in Egypt. I am happy to do this for anyone, in any time-zone, anywhere in the world.”

Spiroflow’s regional sales managers have also benefitted from virtual engagement tools, by actively offering consultative online forums to both customers and prospects.

“Our general process knowledge is vast,” added Podevyn. “For us to develop an understanding for an application, we need to be able to discuss both upstream and downstream. As such, we are usually able to offer guidance on all forms of material handling automation.”

Spiroflow has been a global leader in the field of powder handling and dry bulk solids processing for more than 45 years. To learn more, visit spiroflow.com, email [email protected] or call +44 (0) 1200 422525 in the UK or (1) 704 246 0900 in the US.