Highest Resolution Midwave Camera

December 2021

ImageIR® 10300 – Over 2.9 Mpixels

With the ImageIR® 10300, users from industry and science for the first time can use a radiometric infrared camera whose cooled photon detector permits images in the format (1,920 × 1,536) IR pixels.

  • Full HD resolution of about 3 Megapixels
  • Pixel pitch of 10 µm
  • Thermal resolution better than 0.03 K
  • Measurement accuracy ± 1 °C or ± 1 %
  • High-speed recording with previously unknown image quality

With its detector format of (1,920×1,536) IR pixels the ImageIR® 10300 sets new standards in geometric resolution worldwide and creates thermograms with an unprecedented image detail and sharpness. For the first time an infrared camera for civil use with a cooled photon detector permits full HD images. In combination with the small pitch dimension of 10µm, this ensures that measurement, inspection and surveillance tasks can be solved even more efficiently than before. Everywhere such very fine structures need to be analysed on large-surface measurement objects, for example, users save time, effort and thus costs.

Despite the detector format of about 3 Megapixels, the transfer of full frame images achieves a rate up to 100Hz. Thanks to the 10GigE interface of the ImageIR® 10300 users can store large amounts of measurement data on a computer in the shortest amount of time. The interface is a part of the modular design of the entire high-end camera series ImageIR®. Individual adjustments like retrofitting a remotely controllable filter and aperture wheel or a motor focus unit can easily be realised. A broad variety of infrared lenses with highest optical performance parameters provides the camera’s outstanding thermal sensitivity.

Read the full article here

Contact Shayz Ikram, email [email protected] to discuss your application

Quantum Design represent InfraTec in the UK and Ireland. 

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