Babcock Wanson announces the acquisition of Donau Carbon Technologies and thus strengthens its environmental solutions offering #Engineering #Reducing #EnvironmentlImpact #GeneralIndustrialBase

Donau Carbon Technologies is one of the world leaders in its market and offers its customers a complete range of environmental solutions centred on compliance with increasingly stringent emission limits for solvents and volatile organic compounds (VOC). With the support of Kartesia, Babcock Wanson affirms its will to be a key player in reducing the environmental impact of the general industrial base.

Donau Carbon Technologies is an Italian company established in 1981. The company operates in the field of air treatment, providing solvent recovery plants and thermal oxidation plants for the destruction of VOCs. It has developed a strong proprietary product portfolio to offer its customers a complete range of equipment and complementary services related to these technologies. Its international industrial customers benefit from the innovative solutions developed by the company, including a new compact technology for the recovery of solvents from certain industrial processes.

Donau Carbon Technologies was a family business located in Guanzate, in the Como region, about 30 km north of Milan. It is managed by its founder Giuseppe Dell’Acqua and his daughter Veronica Dell’Acqua, who will continue to run the company, which is now a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Babcock Wanson Group.

Giuseppe Dell’Acqua commented, “For Donau Carbon Technologies this is a unique opportunity to secure and sustain the company’s long-term growth through the support of a leading industrial group such as Babcock Wanson.”

Donau Carbon Technologies has complementary technologies to those of Babcock Wanson for the treatment of solvents and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). With this new acquisition, Babcock Wanson Group consolidates its entire offering and accelerates its ambition to create the European leader in environmental solutions for industry. Cyril Fournier-Montgieux, President of the Babcock Wanson Group, said: “The incorporation of Donau Carbon Technologies into the Babcock Wanson Group will allow us to combine the skills in this particular area of expertise. The merger of 2 major players in this market will enable the Group to become the European leader in the treatment of VOCs and make Babcock Wanson Group a key player for environmental solutions for industry.”

This is Babcock Wanson’s third acquisition since Kartesia became the majority shareholder in July 2021. Julien Rigon, Director at Kartesia, said: “This acquisition is another confirmation of our desire to support Babcock Wanson as a leader in all its strategic development areas. This acquisition allows the group to enrich its offer with innovative and environmentally friendly technologies and get closer to become the clear number 1 partner for our customers in their environmental-friendly industrial footprint transition.

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