Vicor will demonstrate how to reduce the impact of traction inverter ripple in electric vehicles using power modules on June 13-14 in Essen, Germany
Vicor, the leader in high‑performance power modules, today announces its participation at Electronic & Electrical Systems in Hybrid & Electric vehicles (EEHE) 2023 in Essen, Germany. As one of Europe’s leading vehicle electrification conferences, EEHE takes place on 13 – 14 June and targets manufacturers, suppliers, development partners and employees of universities and research institutions. The event hosts presentations that examine a range of topics including architectures and components for electrification, on-board energy networks, electric charging infrastructure, electrical energy management, low-voltage storage, battery management and power electronics. Vicor high-density power modules address a variety of automotive electrification challenges including EV fast charging, high voltage battery conversion and bridging 48V-12V systems.

Haris Muhedinovic, Principle Field Application Engineer, Vicor, will present at 09:10AM on Wednesday 14 June. His talk will focus on the problems that inverter ripple currents and voltage create for the DC/DC converter and its input filter in electric vehicles. It highlights some of the challenges encountered and proposes a highly efficient modular power solution using high bandwidth DC/DC converter that operates above 1MHz.
“EEHE has always been a primary target for us so we’re looking forward to connecting with customers and OEMs through the solutions in our presentation,” says Muhedinovic. “Vicor’s lightweight power modules offers the automotive market flexibility and scalability, and I feel this presentation will enable us to showcase our trusted expertise in the market too.”
Visitors can register to attend Vicor’s presentation via the EEHE website.