The power of Stereo Inspection is now Digital #engineering #digital #inspection #stereo

The benefits of stereo magnification are well known. The ability to see more detail more clearly increases a microscope user’s accuracy, productivity, and quality. Depth perception is vital when the operator is working with tools on viewed subjects under magnification.

The latest version of the DRV-Z1 (DRV stands for Deep Reality Viewer)  is the world’s first and only digital stereo inspection system which creates full 3D HD images which float in front of your eyes. You don’t need any special glasses or goggles and there are no unpleasant side effects. You just sit back and view high-definition 3D images, with outstanding depth perception, as easily as real life. It is a remarkable invention which is already revolutionising the way organisation’s view, capture and share 3D images of the samples they are studying.

Not only is DRV-Z1 the first 3D FHD widescreen digital display, uniquely it also allows remote viewing, capture and sharing of exactly the same 3D images across networks in real time. This creates completely new opportunities for collaboration across distributed operations.

DRV-Z1 also accepts multiple inputs to support wide-ranging applications, including microscopes, cameras, CAD, and MRI/CT scans, as well as immersive animations and architectural walk-throughs.

A wide selection of bases and illumination are available to suit requirements. For a demonstration contact Optimax on 01858 436940

Applications for the DRV-Z1 include Electronics, Aerospace, Medical Devices, Automotive, Precision Engineering, Composite/Plastics, Dental, Materials Analysis and Jewellery/Diamonds