VEGATRUCK has successful UK tour

VEGA’s iconic American truck certainly turned some heads on its UK tour.

It visited 18 sites from Aberdeen to Sussex, over 600 people came aboard, among those were engineers of all ages and experience, as well as trainees and apprentices, keen to look at the working displays, get product training and viewing the live demonstrations taking place. It was a busy time for the intrepid driver, who clocked up over 2300 miles to get to everyone, as well as the staff behind the scenes that got the truck where it needed to be.  Over a 1000 tea and coffees were served and hundreds of bacon rolls/sandwiches and biscuits were consumed… now that takes some organising!  But the excellent customer feedback received made it all worthwhile, so VEGA wanted to say a massive thank you to all visitors that travelled from near and far to visit.

Apart from all the working models, among the most popular seminars were VEGA PACTware Software – via smart screens connected to the host of devices on board, for people to learn in depth how and where sensors are used and how easy they are to set up and manage. Another was a live oil/water interface demonstration using Guided Wave Radar, again showing ease of set up and operation, then introducing emulsions and wax build up – to truly show and discuss the ‘real world’ operational capability of Guided Wave Radar and the alternative solutions.

Now the dust has settled (quite literally!), VEGA embark on their next big project, telling everyone about the new 80GHz contactless radar for liquid level and new Bluetooth communications.

The truck continues on into Europe and beyond, it will be back again one day, so if you missed it don’t worry, VEGA hope to see you on board next time!