GForge Super-Charges the Industry’s Top Collaboration Platform



GForge 2020 Adds New Video Collaboration, Ease of Use, and Security Components



Free Starter Program Helps Coronavirus Impacted Businesses To Operate Remotely



Des Moines, Iowa. April 21, 2020


GForge, one of the world’s leading collaboration platforms, today announced the newest version of the popular GForge Collaboration and Project Management Platform. One of the most used Collaboration Platforms, especially by companies within the government and defense sectors, this new version (GForge 2020) adds critical new features to make GForge even easier to use and more powerful.


Some of the impressive new features include Zoom support which enables GForge users to create and manage Zoom meetings from inside the GForge platform. Other important new features include browser based spellchecking support and oAuth support (users can now log into GForge using their Google account.)


To improve user efficiency, the new Autotagging feature enables users to easily tag the user, project and ticket with any technologies identified in the commit (e.g. Java, XML, JavaScript). GForge now indexes Git and SVN repositories allowing users to search your codebase right from GForge.


GForge now supports Large File Storage (LFS) for Git repositories. For on-premises customers, GForge now supports DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) which provides a very high level of security for GForge-generated email.


For more details re GForge 2020, please visit


Checkout this video which demonstrates the new GForge Zoom integration – (video)


COVID 19 Program – Free Starter Program – GForge is now helping businesses adapt to the coronavirus threat by making it easier than ever before to install and use a collaboration platform to empower remote workers. For organizations new to using collaboration platforms or new to GForge, the company is offering GForge in both SaaS or on-premises formats for free for up to 12 months. GForge can be installed on-premise in one minute, or you can get started instantly using our SaaS platform at


In addition, to support businesses who are suddenly transitioning to remote work, GForge is now offering the following services free of charge:


  • Identify the best hosting options for your organization.
  • We will configure GForge to conform to the processes of your organization.
  • One free online training session for users.
  • One free online training session for administrators.
  • Weekly reviews to ensure your teams are getting the most out of GForge


“Today’s strained business environment is making it imperative that remote teams can interact and work together, no matter how physically apart they are,” says Tony Bibbs, President of GForge. “Not only is GForge free to get started, we provide the necessary support and hand-holding to ensure that even the least technical remote workers can easily and reliably remain an essential component of a remotely operating team.”


“If you know how to use a computer, you can use GForge.”