The struggle to recruit skilled workers is a recurring concern within the UK manufacturing industry. Earlier this year an EEF report revealed that three-quarters of manufacturers have struggled to recruit skilled workers in the last three years. This doesn’t reflect the situation at FANUC UK, who receives in excess of 50 applications for every vacancy and over 30 for most apprenticeship posts we advertise, says Andy Armstrong, UK Sales and Marketing Manager.

“At FANUC we believe that our success in attracting young engineering talent can be attributed to our longstanding commitment to engage with local schools, colleges and universities. Open days, internships and work experience placements, combined with social media activities and attendance at career fairs have all helped to remove the stigma that manufacturing is a low paid, unexciting and mundane work environment.

“Our view is that young people today view engineering pathways within the automation sector as an enticing career with stability and long term prospects,“ says Andy.