Sandvik launches CRIBWISE SaaS tooling inventory management technology 

Design & Planning Automation, a division within Sandvik Machining and Manufacturing Solutions, is launching CRIBWISE™, a new software as a service platform in the U.K. and Ireland.

CRIBWISE is a subscription-based cloud inventory management solution that helps manufacturing businesses take control of their tooling inventory and related processes. The software enables tool, spare part and equipment management, automated purchase and service orders, automated tool dispensing, manufacturer catalogue services and smart reporting.

CRIBWISE is modular, customisable and easy to integrate for all sizes of machine shops. It helps improve productivity and machine life by reducing administrative time, hours spent searching for tools and production and maintenance delays. It also cuts unnecessary expenditure due to over-purchasing and over-stocking.

Without an effective tool-management system, machine shops can find themselves doing one of two things: rush orders of new tools when inventories are depleted unexpectedly or stock more tools than needed so that they do not run out in the first place. Both can significantly add costs and also cause problems on the shop floor.

Head of CRIBWISE, Joakim Johansson, says: “Tooling costs can easily run into tens of thousands of pounds, and much of this can be attributed to outdated and unconsolidated tooling inventories that take up space and cause frustration.”

He adds: “With a standardised and consolidated tooling inventory system like CRIBWISE, machine shops can streamline purchasing, reduce costs and improve stock management. In fact, our ‘earlybird’ customers have reduced tooling and equipment inventory costs by as much as 20%.

“An effective tool-management system will also generate data that owners and managers can use to make more informed strategic decisions about workforce productivity, machine optimisation, expenditure and inventory size.”

To find out how CRIBWISE could help boost your business, click here.