How the Construction Industry Tackles Its Waste #Engineering #Waste #Issues

The concerns about the environment and the entity of globally produced waste are rising. A widespread understanding that this isn’t sustainable has led to various sectors looking for ways to address their own waste issues.

As reported by a Wrap study, the construction industry is the UK’s biggest consumer of natural resources. According to their study, the sector uses 400 million tonnes of material every year, which results in 100 million tonnes of waste being produced. To put this in context, this level of waste contributes over a third of the UK’s total yearly waste amount.

It comes naturally to question how such a shocking amount of waste is produced and what remedies the construction industry can action to reduce the level of waste. In this article, we explore the causes of this waste, as well as ways to address them.

Construction sector waste  

As reported by Resource’s Allan Sandilands, the lack of media coverage is the main reason for the insufficient public response on the problem of the construction industry’s waste. Where plastic pollution has been heavily documented in regard to its effects on wildlife, Sandilands notes no such coverage has occurred for the construction industry, which he refers to a the “silent sector”.

Sandilands believes that the low enforced compliance measures, discordant procurement stipulations, and the habit of shifting the responsibility from clients to contractor, are causing the construction sector to fail in managing their waste responsibly.

The construction sector will only achieve to adjust its waste-based behaviour if it gains an understanding of how beneficial recycling and reutilized materials are. But Wrap highlights how the construction sector is missing out on more than just the benefit of reducing waste levels, showing how tackling construction site waste can help to:

  • Save natural resources
  • Keep compliant with legislation
  • Reduce CO2 emissions as well as waste levels
  • Reduce costs of purchasing materials by reusing materials instead
  • Bring in money by collecting and recycling materials

Things that can be done

So, what actions can be taken by the construction industry in order to change its habit towards waste management and to finally evidence its benefits? The main way would be to establish a Site Waste Management Plan (SWMP). This plan helps sites to keep track of their waste, as well as outlining how waste material can be reused or recycled where possible.

Although this might sound like a considerably huge task, it will be beneficial for the project in the long term. Plus, you can speak to a waste management supplier, such as leading business waste disposal experts Reconomy, in regard to creating a Site Waste Management Plan; they will be able to advise you on the best ways to segregate your waste material, which skips you need, and how to safely dispose of any hazardous materials.

Another way to reduce its waste is for construction companies to keep track of their ordering process and to predict the quantities they might need by looking at previous projects in order to avoid unnecessary materials. Plus, a review of storage facilities can ensure the materials last as long as possible; is your storage site waterproof and secure?

Construction companies should also consider whether off cuts can be used as a substitute of new materials. Alternatively, explore the option of selling or donating unused materials in the event that you cannot return them.

Of course, in case reusing or repairing wasn’t possible, companies could opt for recycling rather than disposing. If you have an outsourced waste management provider, they will be able to help advise on this. Recycling is obviously the best option for the environment, but it can also save you money on landfill tax!

Future waste innovation

It looks like the future is going to offer different pathways which the construction industry could take in order to tackle waste issues.

According to World Economic Forum there is a potential new building material that would help manage and reduce waste by making use of food excess. In fact, the source reports that some companies have already begun to tap into this resource; the use of mushrooms for creating bricks in a tower construction, building materials made out of corn cobs, wheat, and even banana plants. Pineapple as a leather substitute, fabrics from citrus peels — if these ideas catch on, the issue of construction waste could be combatted hand-in-hand with waste from other sectors.

Reducing waste is an important issue that all sectors, including the construction industry (generating the most waste in the UK) need to address. As such, it is the responsibility of the sector to do as much as possible to reduce, reuse, and recycle its materials wherever possible.