Intelligent Andon light systems from WERMA make the operation Lean and Industry 4.0 compliant.

WERMA has developed two andon light based intelligent systems to improve the efficiency and transparency of the operation and make a significant contribution to moving companies towards Industry 4.0 compliance by reducing manual human/machine/process interdependency.

Werma has the application of intelligent software to their traditional core signal light products to deliver status information, safety and warning instructions and thus create a smarter factory environment less dependent on armies of supervisors walking the walk and talking the talk.


New intelligent systems such as the WIN wireless machine monitoring and call for actions systems developed by Werma not only issue automatic warnings in case of hazardous operating conditions but also collect relevant data from the machine or workstation to enable counter measures to be considered to enable durable safe and efficient operations.

WIN – innovative andon light based machine monitoring system

The system uses conventional andon lights to indicate changes in status of the machine as it moves, for example from a productive state indicated by the green light to a non- productive state amber/red.  This status change is transmitted wirelessly to WIN software which presents clients with real time views of the operating conditions of the machines.  Information is stored on a database which enable the client to produce with a couple of mouse clicks reports detailing the uptime/downtime detail of the machines and other information such as quantities produced and fault codes generated.

The system will send automatically e-mails to those people responsible for intervening and getting the machines up and running again.

Andonspeed – speed up your logistics operation and reduce costs and delays


A signal tower is manually activated by a member of staff on the shop floor to call for help from the appropriate service. By just pressing a button a signal light is illuminated on the workstation, clearly indicating the call for action required. The call for action can also be sent automatically by-email to the service concerned and response times can be monitored.

Intuitive and easy to use – Andonspeed is quick to install, the simple activation of traditional traffic light colours green, red and amber make it suitable even for unskilled or seasonal staff.

The manual system can also be upgraded very simply to include the WIN wireless software and functionality described above.  As well then as giving a local visual signal that assistance is required the upgraded system will transmit the request wirelessly to the service concerned, maintenance or stores for example, whose response time to the call can be monitored easily.  Simply reports will summarise the frequency of call outs, typical fault codes/reasons for call out and lead to countermeasures being implemented.

Increase productivity immediately with intelligent systems from WERMA

With an overview of various processes and identification of bottlenecks solutions can be found quickly and lasting counter measures implemented.

To find out more about Werma’s intelligent systems or to arrange a free no obligation demonstration at your site, please contact:


11 Regent Park

37 Booth Drive

Park Farm South

Wellingborough NN8 6GR


Tel: 01536 486930

[email protected]