Resolve Optics Introduces Model 357 Non Browning HD Zoom Lens

Resolve Optics, the market leader in radiation resistant fixed focus and zoom lenses, announces its new Model 357 non browning zoom lens for 1/3-inch sensors.

The Model 357 provides users operating in radioactive environments, for the first time, true High Definition (HD) quality images over an unrivalled 10x zoom range.

As the nuclear industry strives to develop better solid state colour CMOS sensors that can withstand higher levels of radiation it has created a demand for high performance radiation resistant lenses able to help fulfil the potential of these sensors.

Using specialist non browning glasses the Model 357 is able to produce clear sharp images free of the strong yellow tint that has traditionally been a limiting issue when using radiation resistant lenses on colour sensors.

The Model 357 HD 10x zoom lens has been designed to operate in environments subject to high level radiation, such as nuclear fuel handling, reactor active zones and nuclear waste storage plants. The specialist non browing glass used in the Model 357 is proven to withstand long-term exposure to radiation up to a dose of 100,000,000 radians and temperatures to 55 °C without discoloration.

Operating at f/2, the Model 357 provides high image resolution and minimum geometric distortion from 400 to 770 nm, and can image objects from 800 mm to infinity without using add-on adapters. When focused at infinity, the lens achieves high image resolution on axis at full aperture throughout the zoom range without refocusing.

For further information on the Model 357 please visit or contact Resolve Optics Ltd. on +44-1494-777100 /

Drawing upon approaching 30 years experience – Resolve Optics has built a strong reputation for specialist lens design and manufacture of smaller production quantities of radiation-resistant (non browning) lenses and optical products on time to strict quality and target price guidelines.


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