Jellypipe, the international 3D printing on-line ecosystem has today announced its COVID 19 Recovery Package for new companies that sign up to its platform.

Jellypipe unites the 3D printing ecosystem. The platform brings together manufacturers requiring 3D printed parts and components with 3D printing solutions providers that own and curate on-line “shops” which give users access to best-in-class advice and consultation, as well as a European-wide network of 3D printing service providers.

Shop owners and service providers pay a nominal monthly fee to reside on the platform which works to secure them business from manufacturing companies across Europe.

Peter Nyffenegger, CEO & CMO of Jellypipe says, “For existing 3D printing service providers Jellypipe is an obvious option, as at very low monthly costs it secures them the opportunity to cast their net wider and to quote on business that would otherwise not be available to them. For industry experts working in the area of manufacturing, it allows them to leverage their expertise and add a 3D printing service without having to invest in the capital equipment. On-line, users approach “shop” owners, who put the work out for tender to the Jellypipe service providers, and then the cheapest or fastest delivery option can be selected and the parts are delivered direct to the customer.”

Georges Benz, President & Co-Founder of Jellypipe continues, “Jellypipe’s mission is to grow the 3D printing market-place, and make using 3D printing as a technology for production as simple as possible. In common with other areas of industry, we see how the COVID 19 pandemic has disrupted business, and we are in a position to aggressively support companies as they aim to regain lost revenue and build robust income streams from new areas of industry they may hitherto have not felt available to them. And so we launch our COVID 19 Recovery Package, which supports the international 3D printing community in the best way possible to gain as much business as possible, and build a dominant presence in the space.”


The COVID 19 Recovery Package

The COVID 19 Recovery Package reduces the cost of joining the ecosystem, and also adds some free value-addeds for new entrants.

Solutions Providers on the Jellypipe ecosystem are the shop owners, the companies that users approach to secure business. Typically shop owners and service providers enter a 6 or 12 month renewable contract with Jellypipe, paying a nominal monthly fee. As part of the COVID 19 Recovery Package, companies will be able to get 8 months for the price of 6 or 14 months for the price of 12, effectively getting the first two months of their engagement for free. If companies decide not to continue after the initial two free months, the only cost is for the two months.

In addition, totally free of charge, Jellypipe will mobilise an aggressive marketing campaign on behalf of the new shop owner or service provider, alerting international industry to their arrival on the Jellypipe platform, their expertise etc… and this will be distributed across all relevant B2B media channels internationally.

Finally, for solutions providers, again completely free of charge, Jellypipe will add the 3D printing service option and details to their existing website so that business can be generated immediately.

Scott Colman, Jellypipe UK & Ireland Sales Manager concludes, “We know how successful Jellypipe is and how much revenue both solutions and service providers can generate using the platform. Many of our existing users have insulated themselves from the worst of the COVID 19 turndown by keeping their profiles high on the platform, and we are delighted to be able to offer this package to new entrants to help them tap into the enormous revenue potential that exists.”

“Simplicity is the absolute key behind Jellypipe’s success. The number of 3D printing service suppliers in our ecosystem means that customers have access to 13 different additive manufacturing processes, and 50 different printable plastic or metal materials. We ensure that customers communicate with 3D printing solutions providers via their virtual shops instead of direct with service providers in order to receive impartial professional advice on specific applications, limits, and optimisation of 3D printing for their specific requirements. When the fastest of most-cost-effective quote is accepted, the next the customer knows is when the parts arrive at their door.”

“With the offer of two free months before needing to pay the platform’s monthly fees, and the free extensive marketing and web design options, new signs-ups to the platform have a low risk high reward way of tapping into brand new revenue streams. We are delighted to be able to do our bit to support the 3D printing industry.”